need help with backing up dual system

February 4th, 2020

hello, i need just a little push in the right direction. I have a dual win7 – win8 system, i have one hard disk with 4 partitions, A: Back Up B: Win8 C: Win7 D: Data…. I spent hours downloading and installing all the drivers. So my pc right now is at its best and if anything ever happened to it, i want to be able to return it to this state as it is this moment, whats the best way of accomplishing this?
I googled and the more i did the more i got confused. If i make a system image it will be too big to fit on one dvd right? At first my idea was that i could make a system image then burn the iso, and install it like a regular windows disc. But that wont work right? So i have to put it on a external HD, no problem. But say my HD dies and i buy a new disk, How would i then instal this image on the new disk? If my back up image is of all 4 of my partitions, then during the installation of my back up would these partitions be created on their own or do i have to make them again?
What are some good programs to accomplish this? Thanxs

Answer #1
well, all comes down to one question , maybe 2 questions :
– HDD space
– System Image or not ?
If backup space is not a problem , lets say you get a 2TB ext HDD , then backup up Win7 / Win8 via System Image is the pref method as all stays the same, desktop, profile, programs etc.
Should you rather save space, then backing up the drivers is something you can do manually, given you have the binaries.
Should you go for the 1st option, then a recovery is quite simple : put in a new HDD and install win7/win8 , then after the new install, select backup and recovery , from there choose the option to have an image recovered, point to the ext. HDD and wait a bit ….


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