Need help with a presentation

January 24th, 2020

My teacher asked me to do a pressentation for a company with an inovation idea for that company. And till know i dont know how to start. Here is one that a friend did for himself how it should be.

Answer #1
That link doesn’t work….maybe you could explain his idea
Answer #2
download it here bro Please remember that ALL links must be coded, including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords, and internal links. Coded for you this time.

Answer #3
So, it’s a classroom exercise, OK, not a real presentation.. I’m pretty sure you’re not being asked to come up with a real innovative idea..
1 – think up something that might (I think the main focus of the exercise is the presentation, not the actual ides) benefit the company – e.g. a better method of handling waste oils for KFC or fish ‘n’ chips shops
2 – think and note down WHY is would benefit them – cheaper waste management, better public opinion from wast handling, etc
3 – now you need to write it up as if you were going to present it to the company as a real idea.
Thank you for allowing me to speak to you today.
I’d like to present to you my idea for XXXXX (e.g. A newer method of handling the disposable oils from your cooking processes).
(why they need it)
(what’s wrong with what they’re doing now)
(the details of the newer idea)
(how they can benefit from it)
Final statement:
I believe, and preliminary trials have reinforced my belief, that this new XXXXX process will allow you to save 35% on your current disposals costs AND will have a follow-on benefit of better public opinion due to the safer methods of handling said oils.
Thank you very much.
Have you any questions about my presentation today?
Answer #4
Thank you but the main thing is that i dont know how make it with pictures or objects like that one that i posted for writing i could find something but i dont know to work with photoshop for doing this.
Answer #5
You don’t need Photoshop for this Microsoft Powerpoint will suffice and it’s easy to use. Alternatively, you can use LibreOffice Presentation (free) or this site which will also give you examples of ideas and organization / structure:
Answer #6
Thank you very much Jack_Torrance
Answer #7
Yup just use Microsoft Powerpoint, its very easy to use, you should be able to find everything you need to know on YouTube and/or Google.
Good luck!


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