Need a good forum software..

August 6th, 2013

Hi Guys,
My company wants me to install and run a discussion forum on our website.
We have dedicated servers running on Windows, IIS, MSSQL
What are the best forums to install on this? Prefer something written in .NET cause our website runs on Kentico and based on .NET and MSSQL we don’t want any conflicts between .NET & PHP
I need most of the common forum features, registration, login, moderation etc and most importantly security. Willing to pay for a license.
Any help is appreciated. Please don’t tell me to Google cause I have done that and can’t pick which is better cause there is much junk in search results.
If you have experience about forums and would like to give me some links ill appreciated. Thanks.

Answer #1
Answer #2
Thanks for wasting your time and not reading my post.
Answer #3
Windows Sharepoint Services. Plugs right in to the MS world. Google it.


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