Natwest Bank & PayPal Help!

August 5th, 2013

Basically I paid £330 to someone for an iPhone 4S,
it wasnt on eBay but I paid via PayPal on my Mobile App,
the iPhone didnt arrive so I went to open a dispute but couldnt,
I contacted PayPal and they said it cant be opened because it was a ‘personal payment’,
they said that ‘Goods’ wasnt ticked when paying but I didnt see anything about that when using the PayPal App…..
Anyway, £203.74 of that came out of my Natwest Bank,
is it possible that they could get my money back? (considering PayPal wont)
if I ring them and explain what happened, could they get the £203.74 back or even the full £330?
Any advice about this would be appreciated as i’ve been going nuts,
£330 is alot to lose over 1 tiny mistake of not seeing ‘Goods’ on an App.

Answer #1
if your acct (debit card) is backed by visa or mastercard then call them and say it is fraud. They will open a dispute and get your money back
Answer #2
superslacker replied: if your acct (debit card) is backed by visa or mastercard then call them and say it is fraud. They will open a dispute and get your money back
That would work, unless you fund Paypal by direct debit.
You should always fund paypal by credit/debit card, not direct debit.
You could also contact the police, it’s probably fraud/obtaining money by deception.
Answer #3
Basically you are screwed..
Everybody has these so-called ‘protections’ in place but, in reality, they are worthless. \there are SO many terms and conditions on these ‘protections’ that they are rendered pointless.
Paypal is great for paying for things but when it breaks down you are pn your own.
Credit cards are great, but you have to do things exactly their way to be covered.
You could report it to the police, they might be able to follow it up, but I doubt it – if all you have is an email address…
Answer #4
Fluffbutt replied:
You could report it to the police, they might be able to follow it up, but I doubt it - if all you have is an email address...

Yeah – I doubt they would do anything anyway besides gives him a crime reference number, and he wouldn’t get any closer to getting his money back.
@gizmo87- How was the phone advertised, eg. where ? You could contact the advertiser for any more info about the seller, I’m sure they would either be happy to co-operate with you or the fraud dept at the bank once you have a crime reference number.
Answer #5
Just rang Natwest and they said they cant do anything and that I have to ring PayPal and talk to someone ‘higher up’ and explain everything,
even though PayPal have already emailed 6 times saying they cant do anything because for some reason it was down as a ‘Personal Payment’ and not a ‘Purchase Payment’,
so yeah I think im totally screwed and have lost £330!!
Answer #6
and it was on Gumtree…. they emailed me saying they cant give me any info on the Seller, but if I call the Police and they ask then they can give it to them.
Answer #7
gizmo87 replied: and it was on Gumtree.... they emailed me saying they cant give me any info on the Seller, but if I call the Police and they ask then they can give it to them.
Was worth a try anyway. They obviously have more info on the seller, it could be fake though.
Ring Paypal, here’s a local rate number so you can ring it from a mobile
020 8605 3000
PalPal (Europe) Ltd
Whittaker House
Whittaker Avenue
*EDIT – if you ever buy anything from Gumtree or Craigslist, always buy in person, and only pay cash, never up front. If it’s too far away to collect – forget it.
Answer #8
My girlfriends on the Phone to them now, they said something about ‘bank dispute the direct debit’….
but Natwest already said they cant do anything :-/ its just going back and forth!
Answer #9
Just keep on at both of them, one will soon get fed up and cave (hopefully).
best of luck
*EDIT – don’t get shirty or aggressive with them, but do be assertive – you want to get your money back ! Tell the bank you will be taking your custom elsewhere. Paypal should be able to freeze the transaction anyway.
Answer #10
Thanks alot the guy at PayPal now have put her on Hold to see if he can do anything, he said he wants to help because it is a lot of money to lose,
but he said if he cant then Natwest CAN do something about it, a certain claim (which my girlfriend didnt understand his accent with so will ask him to spell it lol)
she will then ring Natwest and say that PAYPAL SAID YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!
Answer #11
Ahhhh nothing he can do, typical!!! said he is going to contact the Seller but if he isn’t replying to me then I doubt he’ll reply to them, especially if its all a fake email etc.
They said something like a ‘indendment claim’ but I googled it and cant see anything about it :-/
PayPal told my girlfriend that Natwest can do that to get atleast the money back that came from the Bank itself, being £203 out of the £330
but im not sure what that claim is.
Answer #12
A Direct debit indemnity claim with the Nat West ? That will only work if Paypal have taken the money without your authorisation.
Ring Paypal back and demand to speak to a supervisor, make sure the first thing you ask is their name and write it down. They should be able to freeze the transaction if it is very recent.
Answer #13
The payment was done a week ago, I waited 2 days to see if the item would turn up, and since then i’ve been emailing and waiting for emails.
Answer #14
You do realise there is a backlog with post at the moment, I received some parcels today via Royal mail sent Christmas eve, but I am still waiting for some sent recorded delivery from before that. Royal Mail and couriers don’t deliver over Xmas.
Answer #15
The Seller didnt reply as soon as Payment was made,
he was replying back asap basically before payment,
then I paid him and then NOTHING now for a week,
aint replied to emails, facebook messages, the money request I sent him for my £330 back on paypal,
absolutely nothing at all!!
Im just gutted I paid on my PayPal App and not on the Website, on the Website you can actually see the option to tick GOODS etc,
but on the PayPal App… you cant see it, and now PayPal are saying nothing can be done because GOODS wasnt ticked when paying so its down as a Personal Payment.
Answer #16
… and now Natwest are saying that Indemnity Claim cant be done and to ring PayPal :-/ like WHAT THE HELL!
Answer #17
There’s not much else I can think of to suggest really, besides contacting the police, who probably won’t do anything anyway – and just keep on at Paypal and the Nat West.
You may just have to write it off to experience.
Answer #18
Well Natwest have now just said to ring PayPal and they need to send a Letter to us honouring the indemnity claim, which I then need to post to the Bank,
then they will refund just the money that came from the Bank itself (£203 out of £330) so better than nothing at all I suppose,
just hope all this now doesnt take ages to sort.
Answer #19
As soon as the bank gets a letter from Paypal, they should credit the money the same day. However, getting Paypal to send the letter will be the hardest part, as you authorised the payment.
If they do write a letter, make sure they send it directly to you, and not the Nat West,or cc you into it, otherwise it will just get “mislaid”
Answer #20
Right, well my Girlfriend rang PayPal and told them that Natwest needs a Letter from them that proves they are ‘allowing’ the claim in a way,
and the guy my Girlfriend was talking to from PayPal said he will send an email instead which I will then have to Print off and Post to my Bank,
so he sent the email saying to go ahead with the Indemnity Claim and so on,
I printed that and attached some other print offs with it like my Bank Statement which shows the Payment on there…
a print off of the PayPal Transaction which shows that money did come out of my Bank and how much…
plus a print off of a Money Request I sent the Seller basically to prove that I did not receive the item and that i’ve contacted him for my money back which he didnt respond to…
I also left a small note in with it all basically saying why its being sent,
i’ve now posted that in the Postbox so hopefully hear something back in the next few days.
Answer #21
Good Luck
Answer #22
gizmo87 replied: Right, well my Girlfriend rang PayPal and told them that Natwest needs a Letter from them that proves they are 'allowing' the claim in a way,
and the guy my Girlfriend was talking to from PayPal said he will send an email instead which I will then have to Print off and Post to my Bank,
so he sent the email saying to go ahead with the Indemnity Claim and so on,
I printed that and attached some other print offs with it like my Bank Statement which shows the Payment on there...
a print off of the PayPal Transaction which shows that money did come out of my Bank and how much...
plus a print off of a Money Request I sent the Seller basically to prove that I did not receive the item and that i've contacted him for my money back which he didnt respond to...
I also left a small note in with it all basically saying why its being sent,
i've now posted that in the Postbox so hopefully hear something back in the next few days.

Why didn’t you just take it directly to your Nat West branch ?
Best of luck anyway !
Answer #23
Sadly,This is what happens when you don’t exercise common sense,You should never buy an Apple product second hand!
There’s loads of scams involving their products,As for the money,I highly doubt you’ll get it back,Let’s be honest here,Yes
you got scammed and a large portion of the money used was taken from your bank account,But you know what,It’s not
like someone has stolen your ATM card or hacked your paypal,It was You who authorized the transfer,Means it’s
on you (like it or hate it) so your screwed.
gizmo87 replied: On the Website you can actually see the option to tick GOODS etc,
but on the PayPal App... you cant see it, and now PayPal are saying nothing can be done because GOODS wasnt ticked when paying so its down as a Personal Payment.

I find that hard to believe,It’s probably there somewhere but you just didn’t see it,Set that aside,You really shouldn’t
make any payments (Paypal or otherwise) from your phone.
Answer #24
not quite sure what you’re on about but i’ve got the full amount back,
the money taken from my PayPal Account.. PayPal have given back to me,
and the money that was taken from my Bank Account… Natwest are refunding it back to me,
so I aint screwed at all,
I paid for an iPhone from a Seller,
they didnt post it,
so after ringing Natwest and PayPal i’ve had my full amount refunded back to me.
As for the quote of me saying about the PayPal App which ‘you found hard to believe’….
I said that on the PayPal App YOU CANT SEE IT, which if you look on it, when going through the 2 pages given to you, you cant see it…
where as on the PayPal Website you can see it clearly right between the info you submit and the buttons.
Answer #25
Good to hear that gizmo87
It might be wiser to fund your Paypal from a credit card/debit card and get rid of the direct debit.
I’m sure next time you will take more care if paying by phone using Paypal, and it may be a lesson to others here.


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