My connection is being throttled so badly

August 6th, 2016

TalkTalk has really throttled my connection bigtime, and I’m only in my first month of the contract!
To begin with I was getting a steady connection shown below, with not great, but decent speeds that were capable of what I do.
Download: 700/750 KB/s
Upload: 70/80 KB/s
But now, this is what I am getting, which is unuseable.
It’s clear I am being throttled, when I was with Virgin Media I was getting 2500 KB/s down speed. Is there any way I can get talktalk to udo this?
I’m not constantly downloading and I kniow I havent went over the 40GB a month limit (talktalk essentials).
I was thinking of phoning them today so any feedback is highly appreciated!

Answer #1
I would do just that, phone them and explain your situation.
I would also mention that your connection is Vital to your Work!
They may try to Confuse you and say things like – you may have a Virus etc
they may even get you to type a group of letters and numbers into places
that you probably have not been before.
ITS all “Crap” I suggest that you do a VIRUS etc scan – so you know that all is well
after that I would download a little program called “CCLEANER” it’s FREE
and install it and give it a run – take your time setting it up as it dose not have all of its options “Checked” i.e Ticked…
after you do a “Cleaner & Registry” scan restart your pc.
do another internet speed check and go from there.
at least your able to feel Competent enough to say to them…
“I have already done that”
Answer #2
Threaten them that you are going to cancel your subscription and let them get serious on your problem.
Answer #3
how much are you uploading/downloading per day?
Thats the ONLY reason you would get throttled and even then it would not be for an extended ammount of time.
Virgin media also have traffic management policies in place, check the talk talk website for what theirs are.
Connect via cable to your modem and run the speed test again, eliminate wifi interferance.
What package are you actually on with talk talk?
Answer #4
Some questions as I do not think you are being throttled as your speeds are fairly consistent for a connection down regular phone lines.
Have you moved house?
Was your Virgin account cable broadband? That would explain previous high speeds
Is your Talk Talk account down regular phone lines? That would explain the lower speeds.
Answer #5
Some questions as I do not think you are being throttled as your speeds are fairly consistent for a connection down regular phone lines.
I have 20mbit ADSL2 (phone line) and it tops out at 1.5MB/s, so it’s probably not due to the phone line (depending on how far the house is from the exchange). What package have they set you up on? 8Mb, 20Mb? I have a friend who lives near me (on TalkTalk), and his line is throttled to buggery between 6-12pm – so it might just be TalkTalk being crap.
Answer #6
what the hell that speed is awesome :S
Answer #7
Ok il try and reply to all these posts here bare with me,
I made a mistake with the screenshot I posted, that is the WRONG SPEED! here is the actual sppedtest result:
@ – Yeah beleive me I have done all that, havent phoned them yet, was gonna wait till I got some replies – I’m pretty confident in computing so I know the problem is not on my end.
@ – I’m on the talktalk essentials package, with a 40GB a month cap, I’m confident I havent exeeded the fair usage policy that applies at peak times.
@ – Yeah I posted the wrong screenshot
@ – I have ADSL2+ and I’m on a 10Mb connection, when I’m not getting throttled I get a decent 0.7MB/s Down speed.
@ – Yeah thanks for pointing out that I posted the wrong screenshot!
Answer #8
do you download through rapidshare? or rapidshare + other hosts?
40GB cap is not a lot if your downloading a reasonable ammount + internet usage + anyone else in your house hold using your connection.
Answer #9
do you download through rapidshare? or rapidshare + other hosts?
I use rapidshare mostly since I have a premium account for now, although I have used a few speed test sites, even talktalk’s own. But I knew there was something up when on youtube aswell, videos take an age to load and even images load up like an old god-awfull dial-up connection.
Answer #10
check your rapidshare “log” to see how much you’ve downloaded this month… might give you a better indication of your usage
Answer #11
Hmm, well my rapidshare logs all add up to 34GB (never realised id downloaded as much!) which leaves me 6GB for web browsing … so its a close one, maybe I have went over slightly *Damn*
Answer #12
if you use any other file hosting, any software downloads from online, any yourtube videos, they all add to the total…. Thats why I like virgin media Otherwise the 88GB of STEAM games I bought thte other day would never have been downloaded. lol
Answer #13
Yeah it all adds up, iv been over the limit before (different account, different house) and all they done is sent me a letter telling me that for an extra �4 a month the limit can be set at 80GB instead of 40GB :/
But I agree Virgin Media is a lot better, plus its fibre optic, I used to get down speeds of 2 – 2.5MB/s and no download limit … makes me sad now thinking bout that
Answer #14
lol. I dont think I could manage going to a quota. Depends on the month and how much is downloaded lol
Answer #15
You get what you pay for. Go check out TalkTalk Plus if you don’t like being limited on how much you can download/upload.
As for the question about being throttled, Go to TalkTalk forum and ask. Or phone support.
Answer #16
I used to get down speeds of 2 - 2.5MB/s and no download limit ... makes me sad now thinking bout that
I would be a little gutted as well! Going from 2.5 MB/s to 45KB/s is erm..


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