My avatar won’t show up.

August 5th, 2016

This won’t show up. I’ve waited 3 days and it’s still blank.

Answer #1
You need to paste the direct link to the avatar where it says “Link to off-site Avatar:“.
Answer #2
Upload the image you want to use as an avatar to your favorite imagehost, e.g. imageshack. Get the direct link.
Go here:
Scroll all the way down till you see this:
“Link to off-site Avatar:”
and paste the direct link in the box on the right.
Click submit and you’re all set.
Make sure your avatar follows the rules (Width can be no greater than 150 pixels, the height no greater than 150 pixels, and the file size no more than 12 KB).
PM an Online Elite/ Super Moderator to help you out
Answer #3
Use speedle idea which is 3rd option link to offsite
Answer #4
I’ll try that because i was using method 1 AND 2 and no go D:
Answer #5
Hey, i can see your avatar now.
Answer #6
Answer #7

Djlatino wrote: Select all