Moving to new flat – wanting broadband.

August 2nd, 2016

I’m moving into my own place on Sunday (woo!) and there is a phoneline already installed in the property, but to my knowledge, nothing is being done with it. As in, theres no connection on it. So… What I need some help with is, how do I go about getting broadband? I know I need to pay line rental as well as broadband costs, but who would I contact first? I’m in the UK, and I know how to get broadband once the line is “active” (basically, paying line rental and can make calls) but its the initial bit that makes no sense.
Hopefully, somebody can make some sense of what I’m trying to do. Help! Thanks

Answer #1
Well just find out which ISP provides broadband access in ur locality
Answer #2
Yeah I know that… I just need to know how to go about getting my line activated, pre-broadband stages…


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