Monitor Shutoff

August 2nd, 2013

Hey guys,
I use windows Seven…
I never had this problem with my rig, but i started to have this recently…
The problem is my monitor gets turned off automatically whenever I play a video…
It doesn’t happen every time, but most of the times…
and if i shut off the monitor power supply and start only monitor again, it starts normally and works fine until i play video once again..
the problem doesn’t occur again if I shutoff my computer and restart it..the problem will occur but after a while(till which i can enjoy some videos)……
What should I do?

Answer #1
looks like you may need a bigger power supply, or your video card could be going?? but i am sure the experts here can pinpoint the error for you better than me. but thats my guess
Answer #2
What video player are you using?
Windows Media Player?
VLC Player ?
Does it only happen with one particular software? or does it happen with them all ?
silentkratos replied:
the problem doesn't occur again if I shutoff my computer and restart it..the problem will occur but after a while(till which i can enjoy some videos)......

Screensaver ???
Answer #3
This Problem issue only for playing video, or Any others work?
Answer #4
Well, answering to all of you, it happens with VLC and Media Player Classic(didn’t try it on others) and I got a Nvidia Graphics Card and My Games Work Just fine….as always….
I guess, as GreatKhali Said, the power supply solution seems promising…. is it the case?
Answer #5
What’s your PC specs? and how many Watts is your PSU?
Answer #6
The problem is my monitor gets turned off automatically whenever I play a video...
right away or can you see some of the video 1st ?
games stress your PSU way more than playing a video so I doubt that’s the problem
do you have all power saving settings related to your monitor disabled ?
Answer #7
edwoodweb replied: The problem is my monitor gets turned off automatically whenever I play a video...
right away or can you see some of the video 1st ?
games stress your PSU way more than playing a video so I doubt that's the problem
do you have all power saving settings related to your monitor disabled ?
i do get to see some part of the video first….
my games do work fine…… no problem with them….
and what power saving settings were you saying..
Answer #8
Maybe try turning off D3D fullscreen?


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