Megaupload Prem

August 5th, 2016

Hey everyone i posted a thread about borrowing a rapid-share account yesterday:
and lion kindly lend it to me =D and i returned it to him. You can ask him if you want ^^ but anyways im just wondering if anyone could kindly lend me a megaupload account for 1-2 hours so i can download some asian music from this site:
if you can help thank you soo much =D

Answer #1
I would just download the megaupload bar and the go premium from 9:00 pm eastern till 3:00
Answer #2
what does that mean? sorry im a noob T_T
Answer #3
I would just download the megaupload bar and the go premium from 9:00 pm eastern till 3:00
Thats only for US.
Answer #4
someone please help =( i don’t steal =( i wished asian music was hosted @ and RS =(


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