Manufacturing and selling a product! Need website

August 6th, 2016

OK …
Hi all
i have a idea (a really good one) that i believe people will love. It is a product to help them organize and make their life easier. This is an original idea!
I want to go to a company and say here’s my idea, will you manufacture and sell it for me (DILEMA: but what if they say no to me but manufacture it and sell it for themselves and make money themselves with no recognition or profit to me)
I am not rich and don’t have $20,000 to spend on a copyright. WHAT I NEED: i heard of a website (but don’t know what it is) that gets a copyright for you, manufactures it for you and sells the product for you and take a percentage of profit from you + cost of manufacturing! I am will to give a percent of my profit as long as i can get this product out to the market without me being scammed!
I need this website or another solution to my dilema of not being scammed for this original idea by someone else and loosing all the credit and profit of this product just because i can’t get a $20,000 copyright!
Please help!
Thankxs to anyone in adcance who is of any help!
BTW …. i am in Canada and my market to sell to is North America!

Answer #1
you dont need a copyright (copyright only covers names, not ideas) you need a patent. find yourself a patent lawyer and get a patent on the idea before you talk to anyone about manifacturing it/selling your idea
edit: see
for info regarding patents
if you dont have a patent, theoreticaly the company could pay you a one off fee for the idea, and then cut you out of any royalty’s from then on (or, not pay you anything, then their r&d department could “come up” with a suspicously simmilar idea a couple of months later)
if you have a patent they would have to pay you a fee for use of your patent, and give you a percentage of the profits (it all depends on what contract you manage to negotiate with them)
more than likely they would just try to buy the patent from you for a large one time fee so they dont have to pay royalties
Answer #2
ya you need a patent and those are that much money
Answer #3
OK …. so i see that i don’t require a copyright but instead a patent but my dilema is still the same …. $ 10,000 for patent is something i don’t have! SO how would i go about doing this. I heard of a website from a friend (he doesn’t remember the address) that spends all money required to launch your product / idea (costs you nothing) but take a small percentage of your earnings / profits (royalty sort of thing) Is there a cheaper solution or anyone know of such website!
Thankxs for any and all help given by members!


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