Linux version installed on new Asus Eee PC? [SOLVED]
August 7th, 2016
I found it on Wikipedia.
The Eee PC is shipped with either Microsoft Windows XP or a Linux distribution called Xandros.
I hope this article may help you to find the linux & windows family installed..
Why would that matter? You can install what ever distro you want…
I once installed Ubuntu 12.04 on the first generation Asus Eee PC 701. I needed a command-line switch to trick the installer to put Ubuntu on such a ridiculously under-powered machine. The result was totally unexpected and the old machine received new life, it was now able to do lots of things that it was never able before…….So based on my experience, I would have to say to instal Ubuntu, especially as your Eee PC is many times more powerful than mine…