Learning Korean?

August 2nd, 2013

I am looking for new trouble and would like to learn Korean from scratch.
I can English, German, less Russian. Are there any good software or online resources, which could help me to build up basic Korean language knowledge?
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
There is that rumored program called Rosetta Stone.
I doubt you would even need to learn Korean, its not that totally useful.
Answer #2
Answer #3
Thanks for the hint. I did not think, that Rosetta Stone makes learning software even for korean language. It is sad, that no rs.com links area working for that program. Maybe some other software or online resource? Most countries like Germany or Great Britain promote their language learning and often offer it for free or at least provide the materials. But Korean ambassy is absent in my country,
Answer #4
Yeah they have a lot of language packs.
I guess your intentions are reasonable since every Korean friend I have speak English like they are out of breath.


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