Laptop Turns Off When I Shake It.

August 4th, 2016

I have a Gateway 7422 laptop and when I shake it, it will turn off. I’d had it for 3 years now. Also when I move the lid, sometimes the monitor of the laptop flickers. Why is this?
I opened it up and clean out the laptop to make sure there was no dusk that was making it do that but when I put it back together and turn it on and shake it, it turns off.
Sometimes I don’t shake it but move it and it will still turn off.
I replace the motherboard and same thing.
Can someone tell me what the reason is or point me in the right direction.
I even took out the cd+rw and tookout the extra things that was attacted to the laptop. Only thing i left was the hard drive, the lcd monitor and the keyboard and the touchpad, the memory, and the draphic card in the back of the laptop. But same thing, when I shake it, it turns off.
Please Help

Answer #1
Some loose wiring maybe..
Did u disconnect any wires when u cleaned it??
Answer #2
I think there is a problem in internal connections (Jumpers etc).
Open the case of your Laptop and find loose connection (If you can)
OR Consult to a Laptop Engineer.
Answer #3
what am i looking for that is loose?
the only wires are the lcd laptop and i double triple checked them and yes they are not loose


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