My web cam turns on by itself why?

January 28th, 2020

Well im sitting here online and all of sudden my web cam turns on why? Does this mean I got a virus or something is wrong with the camera where it would just turn on by itself?
Answer #1
I’m afraid you and I both know what that means!
Answer #2
Someone is probably watching you
Answer #3
You have a Mac, don’t you?
Answer #4
HAHAH disconnect it and scan your computer…. someone is watching you no doubt.
Answer #5
i take it you lack basic brain power and knowledge
Answer #6
someone is filming Paranormal Activity 3
Answer #7
Are you in Florida now?
Answer #8
My web cam turns on by itself why?
it’s probably in love with you..
Answer #9
disconnect it..
Answer #10
Someone is watching you. Put something over the lens untll you find out the problem :”P
Answer #11
HAHAH disconnect it and scan your computer.... someone is watching you no doubt.
Agreed !!!!!!
Answer #12
Someone is watching you.
Answer #13
I would be scared… Sitting in front of this, whenever someone is looking at me.
Answer #14
The government is spying on yo.
Answer #15
someone finds you attractive
Answer #16
Probably is a ghost. Call the ghost busters
Answer #17
20 people are prolly watching you
Answer #18
its the fbi
Answer #19
hahahaha seriously? isnt it obvious? someone is watching you masturbate
Answer #20
Why cant u just remove it? someone may be watching u!
Answer #21
hahahaha seriously? isnt it obvious? someone is watching you masturbate
LOL hahaha
Answer #22
I would cover that thing up and do a virus scan xD
Answer #23
I would disconnect it dude and scan the computer to the hilt untill you find somthing good luck
Answer #24
Your parents are watching you.
Answer #25
cool cam show… Disconnect it… Destroy it…
Answer #26
Yep. definitely someone is watching you
Answer #27
JUSTIN BIEBER is watching you..
Answer #28
if it is just its light… than its normal, sometimes it happen
Answer #29
Big Brother
Answer #30
your cam wants to catch you in the act
Answer #31
Maybe your just that sexy your own computer wants to watch you? It’s a strong possibility.
Answer #32
“Why Dont you take a seat?”
Answer #33
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #34
If it is a computer given by the school, I’m pretty sure what it is.


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