Is it worth buying the GTX295 for $125?

January 25th, 2020

I don’t need a new video card but I’m a sucker for deals. A guy on my local Craigslist has an EVGA GTX295 for $125…I’m on my phone at work so I’m not able to check completed listings on eBay…but on NewEgg looks like they’re still $290ish. Is it worth it? Also, how do these stack up to the GTX4xx cards?
Answer #1
It’s faster than a GTX 480 by a hair but it’s minimum fps will be a lot lower. You already have the same thing with SLI GTX 260s. You should buy it and resell it on a site. People still buy it for around $250
Answer #2
I have a single GTX260, not a pair.
$250 though…that’d be a nice little profit.


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