Install iPhone Cracked Apps?

August 1st, 2016

I have just bought an iPhone 3G but locked to a network. What is the process of installing cracked iPhone apps (that are on the app store). Hopefully there is a not to
technical solution for the mac user. Thanks in advance,

Answer #1
It has to be jailbroken.
Answer #2
Is that all I have to do, use the Pwnage tool? Also, how do I get the cracked IPA’s on to my iPhone?
Sorry if they sound like dumb questions, I am new to this.
Answer #3
I have successfully Pwned my iPhone 3G! One question though, I am trying to find Tap Tap Revolution under the Installer app and I can’t find it. I only want to play this version (not revenge) because I want to play my own songs. Is there any way to install Tap Tap Revolution on an iPhone 3G which has been jailbroken with the 2.1 firmware?
Please don't double-post, use the edit button instead-glenny.
Answer #4
I have successfully Pwned my iPhone 3G! One question though, I am trying to find Tap Tap Revolution under the Installer app and I can't find it. I only want to play this version (not revenge) because I want to play my own songs. Is there any way to install Tap Tap Revolution on an iPhone 3G which has been jailbroken with the 2.1 firmware?
from the App store… its also free
Answer #5
Try looking in Cydia.
Answer #6
I have but it isn’t showing up. Does anyone know any sources which contain Tap Tap Revolution which I can add to either Installer or Cydia?
Answer #7
It’s free in the appstore.
Answer #8
I know Tap Tap Revenge is free on the App Store but I want Tap Tap Revolution. I still can’t find it in Installer and Cydia.
Help would be appreciated.
Answer #9
you cannot get Tap Tap Revolution for FW 2.1
Answer #10
I found this app called FWChanger. If I set the fake firmware as 1.0. Would I be able to install Installer v3 on my iPhone 3G?
Answer #11
If you want to go back to 1.0 so much why not just change your iPhone’s firmware to 1.0 permanently ( wouldn’t recommend).
But if you want cracked apps in your iPhone [using 2.1 FW]. You need to edit a file on your ipod. You can either do this manually or by installing something in Cydia.
Steps for Cydia:
1)Open up Cydia
(If you have the source “”,go to step 3) 2)Go to “Manage” and click edit, then on the left hand corner click on add.
in the box type in
Then press “add source”
3)Now go to the Search tab
Type in MobileInstallation Patch
Then install it.
4)After the installation is complete the iphone should restart or go to stand by.
5)Now to put cracked apps into your ipod!
To get cracked apps I suggest you go to
6)Download any app you want. When you finish downloading your fave app, open up itunes.
7)Plug your iPhone in if you haven’t already.
8)Now go to file>open. Locate your .ipa file. Open it.
9)The app should appear in your applications tab in itunes.
10)Sync it. CONGRATULATIONS you have a crack app.
If you have any problems feel free to ask :].
Answer #12
Thanks for your tutorial, do you know of a Source which contains Tap Tap Revolution?
By the way, I have already Jailbroken my iPhone.
Answer #13
As I said before you will need to roll back your iPod’s firmware to get Tap Tap Revolution, then jail break it AGAIN. But I remember Tap Tap Revolution was a default in the jailbroken 1.5 FW. But if isn’t install the “BigBoss’s App” source
the url should be
But I really do think Tap Tap Revenge is better .


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