How to merge audio with video both are from different source

March 24th, 2014

Hi everyone,
I need small help. I have 720p movie of Casino royal in mkv format.
I got DVDRIP of Hindi dubbed Casino royal.
I extracted video from MKV using MKVtoolnix in mkv format.
Extracted audio using mediacoder in mp3 format.
Both the sources have different framerates.
I joined audio and video using MKVtoolnix but it was out of sync.
Please provide me info how to mux the audio video with sync.
Thanks for any help.

Answer #1
If you know the time delay you can enter that value in “Delay (in ms)” field. To do so, select The audio file. click format specifications and enetr value in milliseconds. for eg audio plays first by 0.5sec, enter +500 , If audio plays later -500.
Answer #2
Your trying to use the Hindi dubbed audio in the 720p mkv video? You can delay the audio as said by the poster above, or you can use MKVMerge – click on the video file under “Tracks” then go to “Format specific options” and adjust the framerate of the 720p video to match the framerate of the dvdrip. The dvdrip audio should then match up.
Answer #3
If you know the time delay you can enter that value in "Delay (in ms)" field. T
if this dunt work
Both the sources have different framerates. should not make a diff
is the audio in MP3 VBR format and starts in sync and drifts out of sync
try making the audio CBR
Answer #4
Thanks everyone for reply.
The problem is even if i give delay its not sync except for in the beginning. It goes out of sync afterward.
Is there any editor in which I add video and audio and then manually sync the audio with video in between also?
Answer #5
Extracted audio using mediacoder in mp3 format.
extracted or converted ?
your not “merging”, your muxing
try AVIdemux and save in MKV format
never tried a MKV but AVIdemux will “rebuild VBR time map” for AVI’s
open the video in AVIdemux
under “audio/main track” select “external MP3” and select your audio file
again under “audio” select “build VBR time map”
insert you audio time shift if needed
under “format” select “MKV”
Answer #6
thanks alot dude!! this helped alot
Answer #7
This is an old topic, almost 2 years old.
The OP had videos with different frame rates so the audio lengths were probably different! That is why the sync ran out the further into the video it got.
An easy solution is to re-sample the audio using something like audacity which has worked very well for me in the past, a lot better than expensive appz like soundforge managed. The resulting audio was almost the perfect length after completing the re-sampling and no sync problem was apparent. I have tried various appz to do a similar thing in the past including Goldwave and soundforge and none of them made the audio the correct length.
So consider re-sampling the audio and then mux it and it should work well.


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