how to copy a website
May 4th, 2018
I want to copy all pages design and content including all the scripts and everything and then make a website with this.
if you know a way, please tell me.
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There are various apps for this task, Such as httrack and teleport pro.
However, You can only fetch the HTML and and that’s that, PHP is processed on the server side.
Set that aside, If the webdesign was custom made and the admin of the site would find out
you stole it, He just might decide to sue you! (And the law would be on his side)
Why can’t you try being original? You don’t have to shell out $1500 for a web-designer, There
are many free scripts/cms/forum systems that you can easily customize to your liking!
I’ve used Website Ripper Copier with success on many sites.
I’m having problems copying
I would suspect so. You can’t readily get from one page to another in all cases, and a username/password is required for many.
, is that me you’re answering?
Yes, I forgot to quote the post.
some kind of web crawler.