How to change the size of aan avatar to suite this forum

August 18th, 2013

I have an avatar i want to use but its to big its 100×100 but 12.3kb. Ive have it on my photobucket and tried a site called Lulzimg but the size is still showing up as 12.3 i do not know how to make it smaller
could someone help me please

Answer #1
ok tried again and think its worked, just waiting for it to update – maybe i used the wrong link
#3.7 I It is forbidden to double post on the board. It means that you are not allowed to reply twice in a row in any topic. Use the edit button when altering your reply if you’re the last to post in the topic.

Answer #2
ok i now see its not showing up on my pc tried 2 different browsers its showing up like a broken picture if that makes sense. I must be doing something wrong
Answer #3
You need to host your image in another image host. Lulzimg is having a lot of issues lately.
Answer #4
Upload it to
Answer #5
ok thanks ! sorry not spamming just trying to get help!
sorry i see now that the image is showing up above but it was not earlier. i have used photobucket and imageshack but its still showing up as 12.3kb i need to make it slightly smaller to use on this site. inphotobucket i can change the pixel size but not the kb size
I seem to be having issued myself today with my BB being rather slow at opening or updating pages.
Could a mod possible make it small enough for it to fit on here . I would really appreciate it
many thanks!
ok pc going crazy and saying i have a java script error – might that be why i seem to be having problems
thanks tried that germaan site ( dont understand the language but) it come up with this when i tried to add the url
The image doesnt exist but i can see the image there either that or i get this A connection could not be made to the URL you gave
Img going crazy here.
Never have this problem with any other forums and avataars
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Link(s) coded. -digztytwo
Answer #6
Try this
Answer #7
Try Photoshop to reduce the size.
Answer #8
Schneizzel replied: Try this

Thanks you!
aat last its there
thanks you so much i was beginning to go mad


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