How to calculate your download speed ?

September 28th, 2013

I download 100 mb file in 10.5 minutes. My download speed is going from 180-184 kbps(i always monitor).
But when i divide this file size with download time, i get that my speed is 175 kbps.
I read that 100 mb is not 100 000 kb. I found that 100 mb is somehing like 102400 kb. When i divide 102400 kb with time then i get 180kb. So that means that 100 mb is not 100 000 kb?
When i calculate my internet speed, should i use 100 000 kb or 102400 kb?

Answer #1
1MB = 1024KB, 1GB = 1024MB, 100MB (assuming the file is exactly 100MB, which is unlikely) would be 102400KB as you said.
Technically, you should use 102400KB, but you can see your max download speed (184KBps max it seems).
Answer #2
Forget this modernist crap of k = 1000 (it’s a distance measure, not a computer value!!), it’s marketing wanky-speak, for the hard drive makers to screw us with. Forget ‘mebi’ bytes – it’s crapspeak too.
Computers are binary tools, powers of 2.
1K = 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes
1M = megabyte = 1024 x 1024 bytes = 1048576 bytes (a megabyte)
100 megabytes = 100 x 1048576 bytes = 104857600 = 104857 Kb
Close approximations are Ok, and, lets face it, 175kbps to 180 kbps is nothing to fuss about – you’d lose that on a stormy day or if one of the hops between you and the end server has a brainfart.
5 out of 180 is less than 3% difference – anything less than 5% is irrelevant really.
Answer #3
Don’t confuse bits with bytes.
When ever you are monitoring network traffic, it is always done in bits, not bytes.
MB = Megabyte
Mb = Megabit
1 byte = 8 bits
So when you run a speed test, or look at a network monitoring app, it is probably going to be in bits, and not bytes.
Whereas if you are downloading a file, your browser is probably reporting in bytes.
Check your internet speed here (in bits):
Answer #4
partyhard yes thats wat i ment
Fluffbutt on my jdowloader all measure is in KiB and MiB. THANK YOU VERY much for your answer
SmAsHeDr i see what you said but it isnt related to topic? excuse me if i am wrong.


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