how can i get rid of the following system tray icons?

February 1st, 2020

hey guyz, take a look at this picture
how can i get rid of those stupid useless system tray icons that tells me which lock is on or off

Answer #1
Have you tryed start >> run >> msconfig ?
Have you gone into your uninstaller in control panel ?
Answer #2
If you just want to hide the icons right click your task bar > properties > taskbar panel > then next to the hide inactive icons button click customize > just choose the icons you want to hide and use the drop down menu to select always hide.
Answer #3
no i want to get rid of this stupid program that add this thing, what is it called??
Answer #4
if you rt click them any info
Have you tryed start >> run >> msconfig ?
do this & look under startup
maybe you can find the app by unchecking some items
post here or google any your not sure about
or run taskmgr (ctrl+alt+del) and see whats running
if you kill the right app they will disappear, then you will know
Answer #5
Try Startup Control Panel by Mike Lin. . . . This will stop un-necessary programs from starting when Windows boots-up, , , , I have been using it for years . . . It is free. . . . No install is needed. . . Just extract to a folder in C:\Program Files – and then put shortcuts in your Start menu. . . Open it, and un-check what you do not want to start . . . Also use the free XP-AntiSpy to stop some of the Windows programs from starting (Like Messenger)
Answer #6
It’s no big deal..just right click on any of those icons and go on delete…
Answer #7
they are hidden anyway by the looks of things but if i have 2 guesses i would have to say that they are installed when your motherboard was so getting rid of em cud cause problems for you.
I would suggest u just hide them and forget about em
Answer #8
for most icons just hover your mouse curser ovr each should provide a dicription of what it is
Answer #9
i think it+s your motherboard+s program+s. you may try to close it with right click on it and then choose EXIT or OPTIONS or ….. and then choose not to start at STARTUP.. Image
try to look at START/ALL PROGRAMS/STARTUP (like shown on picture)
Answer #10
Use AutoRuns for Windows to stop them from starting up automatically.


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