Help with final project for school (and life)

October 25th, 2013

I’ve decided to do a final project for my accountancy “starting your own business”.
It took me a while to figure out witch type of business I want to start (even maybe in the future).
It would be a bookstore. The books would be books from my country (Belgium), mangas, comics & books from the USA (because it is very hard to find them here in Belgium).
My question goes out to everyone (especially to the belgian forumreaders): would this kind of store be popular in Belgium? Because if my final project is a success I might start it for real.
Thanks in advance for your honest responses.

Answer #1
You’re asking people who pirate everything, including books, if they’d buy books in Belgium.
Something about a poor choice of target audience comes to mind.
Answer #2
1555666 replied: You're asking people who pirate everything, including books, if they'd buy books in Belgium.
Something about a poor choice of target audience comes to mind.

Hell yeah man… wrong crowd
Answer #3
You should definitely consider an online warehouse model. Places like BookDepository are doing amazingly well because they can offer books at extremely low prices and don’t charge for international shipping. I rarely buy any books from chain stores anymore (getting most of my books from BookDepository) and only go to my local indept. book stores for impulse buying and to support local businesses.
If you are looking at selling normal books as well as comics and manga, there is definitely a niche for that and one of the better chain bookstore that I do still go to (Kinokuniya) specialises in that. You need to ensure you are catering to your clientele though so you’d want to make sure the store (if you had a physical store) is located somewhere central or in an area where typical manga/comic readers are more common (younger neighbourhood shopping districts). If you end up focusing more on an online store, the same thing applies but to your advertising. Make sure the ads you place are targeted well and that your business is good enough that word of mouth spreads (that’s how a lot of people find out about good value websites).
Answer #4


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