Help with copying a Health and Safety DVD that i own?

August 9th, 2016

Don’t know if i am posting this in the correct place, forgive me if i am not – need some help with duplicating a CITB skills dvd – Health,Safety and Environment test DVD.
I have the original DVD, bought etc, i am trying to make a back up copy and so far have created a number of “coasters” – all claim to have completed successfully but fail an authentication test before installation starts. I am presuming this application is embedded within the file structure of the dvd, but was hoping there was a work around. I don’t believe this is a standard copyrite block as such , like on dvd movies, audio discs etc, this is something different.
I have tried Anydvd, clone and DVD43, but all produce the fails – has anybody come across this and can offer a solution?
Would appreciate any help/advise/work round etc

Answer #1
Is it a program dvd, a data dvd, a dvd full of PDF files, video.. what?
Different answers for different types.. some things, like PDF, carry their own protections and are hard to break (they actually create a specific reader for the company with 40 up to 1024 bit encryptions.
Video uses movie-type protections, mostly broken..
Programs often need specific cracks, like games do..
Answer #2
use nero burning rom to create an image of the dvd first, then burn the image back to a blank dvd-r at low speed
Answer #3
It is a data dvd, full of health and safety on screen questions and an audio soundtrack -I have created images of the disc without any trouble at all, but the disc has a trigger programme for authenticity that starts before install and it is then that it fails recognition and that its a copy.
Answer #4
It probably has some kind of copy protection.
Scan it with these apps and report back with the results:!rar

Answer #5
Have tried both apps and both report no copy protection?
All the copied discs i have made all have the same failure with” this disc is not an original you could be the result of theft” message?


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