Have a question about rar files disc full

August 4th, 2016

Okay so I have an SSD and an hard drive. My SSD is only 120GB so I wrote some games to in+windows7. Now I downloaded a file in mozilla firefox which is on my C drive which is my SSD but I tried to move to the E drive which is my the HD and I can’t unrar the file. Here is a picture of what is said.Image
Answer #1
So maybe E drive is full too? that’s the error message. cleanup space?
Answer #2
Its not that is why I am trying to unrar to E. My E drive has 510GB free.
Answer #3
My guess would be your c: drive is too full and winrar doesn’t have enough temp file space to work with. Regardless of which drive you are unpacking the file/s to or from.
Answer #4
See if it will copy to your other HD then unrar it.
Answer #5
You need to change the temp folder location in winrar to whatever hard drive has the most space – certainly away from the SSD, constant temp read writes are not good for them.
Answer #6
If you opened the rar and extract, it will use temporary storage on the c drive, and after extraction, move it to e. You can avoid thisby right clicking the rar and choose Extract Here. Thenit wont use temprary storage but exctract directly.
Answer #7
She`s chocka… very small drive M8…
Invest in an external..
Answer #8
Nvermind it worked now after I restarted my computer and redownloaded then moved to my D drive.
Answer #9
Gamers get this “disk full” at times. The fix is to “RUN AS ADMIN”


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