
August 4th, 2016

Is Google Chrome really better than Internet explorer 8-9?

Answer #1
Cannot say. Chrome has Safari’s rendering engine, so it may run faster than IE.
If we say that the Firefox is the best browser, and the IE is worst, then the Chrome will be somewhere between.
Answer #2
mate.. there is no internet explorer 9.. latest is version 8.
it depends on ur demand.. i personally prefer firefox and google chrome..
but google chrome is much faster than firefox as well as IE7
Answer #3
yes, chrome is better than interFERNET explorer at all
Answer #4
Yes, it is indeed faster than Firefox or IE, but comparing Chrome with IE is vain effort, because IE cannot be simply compared with anything. I think Chrome is still not usable as a real browser, it is better to use Firefox. It may be, but not now.


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