Full screen mode wont work on dual monitors

August 23rd, 2013

I have two Acer monitors that I have hooked to a ge 9800 gtx. Before I used to be able to use an online player streaming video in full screen mode in on monitor and work photoshop and other programs on the other monitor. Now for some reason If I go full screen on one monitor and click on the other full screen mode will quit out? how to fix
Answer #1
i always thought that fullscreen locked your mouse inside of the window…not sure how it lets your mouse wonder into other monitor without windowed mode.
Answer #2
LekaIMadh replied: Now for some reason If I go full screen on one monitor and click on the other full screen mode will quit out? how to fix
Its based on the game, not windows or your monitors.
Typically with a full screen game, you can not do anything in your secondary monitor until you tab out of the game (which normally includes minimizing the game, since its in full screen mode).
You need to run your games in Windowed Mode if you use dual monitors.
Answer #3
Its not a game its when I watch movies online like megavideo videobob etc I was able to go full screen on one monitor and be able to work flawlessly on the other
Answer #4
Oh, lol, use Flashhacker.
Answer #5
cool thanx buddy


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