Facebook help

August 6th, 2016

guys, gals
I accidentally deleted a chat history :/
is there anyway that I can recover that ? please help thanks in advance !!!

Answer #1
have you email FB for help first ?
Answer #2
have you email FB for help first ?
Sadly Facebook is harder to contact compared to the others companies…
You can download all your data and check if it’s there. If not, you have to go to the help community and post your question. If they can do something about it then they will contact you. Don’t get your hopeshigh though. It’s not very probable that you will have that chat’s data back…
Answer #3
its not possible contact support maybe they help you
Answer #4
thanks guys anyone else? know something ?
Answer #5
its not possible as was stated only by mailing facebook or other option is mail back the person u were talking to
Answer #6
Apparently Facebook leads to addiction… Go shoot some ….. golf balls…???
Answer #7
You won’t find a Facebook email for support. You can only do two things:
1)Be contacted by Facebook through the Facebook’s help community. 2)Contact the person you had the chat with.
Even by the 1), it’s improbable that Facebook will give you the data. The only possible choice is that the other person send you the chat. There is nothing else you can do.
Answer #8
Sorry not a chance unless you’re offering them millions of notes!!


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