error 0x80070570 for windows 7

August 6th, 2016

Hi all,
I need to install windows 7 ultimate x86 final HP OEM English.
it’s 2.35 GB
When the windows need to expand the files (at 40%) i see an error 0x80070570
So the setup will rollback.
can some one help me please?

Answer #1
I just had a look around and it can be down to a number of things. A lot of them seem to be caused by faulty RAM, or RAM slots though, so try swapping out a stick of RAM when installing? One of the RAM threads:
Answer #2
thanks i have 4 GB RAM i checked my memory via the BIOS .Any way i’l ltry again & i tell u
Answer #3
Moved from Appz requests to Helpdesk.
Answer #4
Where did you get the install disk? Did you format the hard drive with the Windows install disk? Does the computer have a 64bit processor? What size is the hard drive? Need more info to help you. Those error codes are useless, they help about as much as a BSOD error code, even if they have a direct meaning, simply overheating can trigger a series of different codes in BSOD even ones meaning a memory error.
Answer #5
thanks alot
I’ll give you more info’s:
processor AMD 3400+ 1.8GHz
32 bit opreation system
HD capacity 160 GB
Disk install in c disk enough space.


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