Dvd burning quick question on software
August 25th, 2013
Basically I want to burn sopranos onto dvd.
Ive not burnt a disc in years but i remember i used have hassle with it playing on some dvd players and not others.
So does anyone know of good dvd software for burning so that I can get good dvds plus is there a means of compressing the episodes onto the discs to save burning loads of discs..
Thanks in advance..
you can use ConvertXtoDVD and add eps till the quality diminishes to much and it can burn them for you to
or use IMGburn
To use image burn, I’ll first have to convert all the files to DVD before I can rip them.
Is there software that will convert and burn at a good speed?
y2kfarrell replied: Is there software that will convert and burn at a good speed?
Convertxtodvd will do both,But if your DVD Player supports xvid/divx,You’d be better off just burning em as data,That
way you’ll be able to fit more episodes per disc and maintain the original quality.
windows 7 will burn it just fine!
ConvertXtoDVD v4.1.19.365c