February 4th, 2020

i wanna buy a new pc in january, do i need a quad processor or dula is enought? i wanna play games only,but i dont wanna buy a new processor next year,so i wanna a good one,pls help me to choose.thx to all
Answer #1
Depends on what you use your computer for..
A dual core with high Ghz will do most people fine.
I went for a quad, but my rig runs everything for me.. Gaming, media center on TV for the better half, audio recording and mixing from my decks, then the normal email, messenger, skype and web stuff. Not to forget the ing..
TBH even the quad is a bit overkill for me, it never really gets put under much strain…
Answer #2
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 Yorkfield 2.83GHz
Answer #3
i like the double one just fine…works great for me and i run some pretty heavy stuff
Answer #4
cause some of my friends are buying quads,but its more expencive,in my case,money are a small issue
Answer #5
How many years are you panning to use it for? Consider the new i7 true quad cores by intel. They will last you for a while. But if your on a budget get the E8400 or the Q9950.
Answer #6
Depends on your budget. If you got enough money go for the new ones i7 or Quad core those will last you awhile. Dual cores will be gone in 2-3 years and then it be all about quad cores and i7 cores.
Answer #7
i can buy new stuff in 2years,not earlier,cause i will be sorry for the stuff cause it will be in waranty still
Answer #8
In my opinion build a pc so u can customize it 2 perfection, and go for the Core i7, and the Asus P6T would be a good mobo cuz it supports SLI and CrossfireX so a huge bonus for gaming. If u do get the Core i7 get the 920 so instead of wasting ur money u can learn to overclock and get 3.8GHz with some good cooling. But if u don’t go for Core i7 the Q9550 is definitely the way to go and once again overclock to perfection. Soon more and more games will start utilizing all four cores.
Answer #9
i use dual on mine, love playing games on it and it works fine for me, but idk for you really mate
Answer #10
Quad is bettter.
Answer #11
I do 3d Animation and I would love to have quad.
Answer #12
quad is better but the power comsuption is really high, i suggest if your not gonna do much with your PC and dual core @ 3ghz should suit you fine.
Answer #13
Quad is better, but you need a lot of power for it. Personally I’m using Dual Core atm
Answer #14
go for i7.
Answer #15
I recommend Duo
Answer #16
a E8400 or E8500 duo
I have both and they run great, no lag or drag, and grid duz not fully use both cores @ 1680×1050 high settings
Answer #17
i think high profile dual is just fine
Answer #18
thx friends, LOCK OR DELETE PLS.


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