Computer won’t power ON

October 15th, 2013

So I went through my some things I don’t use anymore, and I found a computer that I had about 7 years ago. I figured I want to use it for my TV.
The problem is that, for some reason, when I press the power button on the front panel, it doesn’t turn on. No sound of turning it on, nor the fan starts.
When the power cord is connected, there is an LED flashing on the back of the PC.
I tried looking for solution but still didn’t find anything.
The computer info:
The last time I was using the PC it was working fine. Then it stayed unused in the garage for about 5-7 years. I vacuumed inside of the PC and now it doesn’t turn on.
I appreciate your support.

Answer #1
well over that 5-7 year period its probably got damp and the hardware related parts are affected in some way!!
also you could check any cables that may have come loose or try removing the parts and either reseating them again or buy new parts for it !!!
Answer #2
if there is no beeping and you have checked that the little speaker is plugged in, then it should be your motherboard.
at 7 years old, she’s an ancient machine, anyway.
It’s still a shame though
Answer #3
I mean it was sitting not used, I don’t think that should cause it not to work. It should still work. I have older computers that work properly.
Answer #4
PC not turning on for me was the Ram wasnt plugged in properly, the first time it happend I had no clue and someone fixed it for me, but the second time I knew, A few hints are Flashing lights As if its trying to start but cant, my computer beeps when it starts up, and because it beeps prior to the actual boot up of the tower it beeps constantly because it cant fully boot, Try just unscrewing the panel and make sure your ram is in properly, Most likley you will only have 1 ram slot as your computer is 7 years old, but if theres 2 then they both need to be either in properly or the one that is loose needs to be completetly removed. Other option is there is a small battery on your motherboard that might need to be replaced.
Hope I helped:)
Answer #5
VirtuallyBoss replied: PC not turning on for me was the Ram wasnt plugged in properly, the first time it happend I had no clue and someone fixed it for me, but the second time I knew, A few hints are Flashing lights As if its trying to start but cant, my computer beeps when it starts up, and because it beeps prior to the actual boot up of the tower it beeps constantly because it cant fully boot, Try just unscrewing the panel and make sure your ram is in properly, Most likley you will only have 1 ram slot as your computer is 7 years old, but if theres 2 then they both need to be either in properly or the one that is loose needs to be completetly removed. Other option is there is a small battery on your motherboard that might need to be replaced.
Hope I helped:)

I think you did help, but I need to verify I did actually unconnect the ram, and reconnected it, BUT how do I check if it is properly connected? There are two ram slots, can it be in any one?
Also, I see there is battery. How do I know if it needs to be replaced?
I hope this is gonna fix my problem!!
Answer #6
is it a desktop pc or a laptop? if it is a desktop pc, disassemble it and do a bench test (booting the computer with all of the essential parts only, and out of the case). if it’s a laptop, it’s most likely to be the battery that is the problem.
Answer #7
It is a desktop PC.
Okay, I believe the RAM is connected in fact correctly. I tried 1 ram in the 1st slot, then I tried in the second slot, then I tried both rams in both slots, then the second ram in one and the other slot and nothing. I also replaced the little battery and nothing works.
What it seems like to me is that it seems like the power supply is not giving energy, and I don’t know how to check if it does. The little LED on the back of the chassis is flashing so I am assuming it is giving energy.
Answer #8
Maybe its just age, if it wasn’t the ram or the battery it may be a loose plug, Check everything and double check cords and plugs comming in and out of the motherboard, powersupply, ram, pretty much everything.
Answer #9
I was following this troubleshoot guide I unplugged all the power cables coming out of the power supply. Then connected the power cord to the power supply and the LED started to have a solid light not flashing which means that the power supply is good. The also means that maybe some component might be at fault. how can I check if it is the motherboard?
One thing that ive noticed. When I connected back the main power cable to the mother board, the fan did a little tick, it moved, so I am assuming that the mother board did receive some power since the ffan is connected to the motherboard.
Answer #10
there are so many components in a motherboard that might be to blame, its hard to check it all, but loose cables any solders that look broken/not connected rusty bits, And be gentle, you dont wan’t to cause anymore damage, How about your hardrives Harddrives and also be to blame for a computer not booting up.
Answer #11
I had the hard drive connected and disconnected.
Something new happened! The LED was solid because the power cord was plugged in to the power supply but the cable from power supply was disconnected from the motherboard. This time I tried conncting the cable from the power supply as the power cord was connected, guess what, the computer turned on, the front power LED turned on, the fan started running. However, the cable from the power supply was all the way plugged in to the mother board, it just cought it, and then once I pushed it in more, the computer turned off.
Answer #12
well you may have sourced your problem, something to do with that cable, and its surroundings, maybe the cable itself, See if the plugin point is dirty/Obstructed or whatever and just work on it, Good luck
Answer #13
Okay I seem to know what the problem is but I need some advice: Motherboard is okay. Power supply is okay. The cable that is coming out of the power supply to the motherboard, its plug is at fault. How can I fix the plug or the cable? More specifically, I am talking about the P1 connector.
Answer #14
Well from here try ringing up a computer repairer or a computer shop, They will know much more than I do, as far as fixing it yourself tape might temporaraly hold things in place, but for long term i wouldnt reccomend it as the risk of fire.
Answer #15
Okay, I was managed to plug in the connector in a way that the computer powers on successfully. Now I am installing Windows. Thank you all for your help!
Answer #16
20/24 wires to that connector
are the wires bad or is it the plug it’s self
post a pic if you can
Answer #17
VirtuallyBoss replied: there are so many components in a motherboard that might be to blame, its hard to check it all, but loose cables any solders that look broken/not connected rusty bits, And be gentle, you dont wan't to cause anymore damage, How about your hardrives Harddrives and also be to blame for a computer not booting up.
Not necessarily. I have seen this used my someone a long time back, just thought of googling and got this:
^^Quite awesome, eh?
Answer #18
Lol, Thats just insane, Surely it wouldnt be very fast
Answer #19
rajnusker replied: VirtuallyBoss replied: there are so many components in a motherboard that might be to blame, its hard to check it all, but loose cables any solders that look broken/not connected rusty bits, And be gentle, you dont wan't to cause anymore damage, How about your hardrives Harddrives and also be to blame for a computer not booting up.
Not necessarily. I have seen this used my someone a long time back, just thought of googling and got this:
^^Quite awesome, eh?

They are very outdated now, you can get “intelligent” ones that you don’t need to look up the codes. (about £3 on E-bay)


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