Cisco CCNA1 Case Study Help

January 29th, 2020

okay, here’s my problem. I have a piece of work due in for this Monday, and I’ve slept through most of my lectures, which I know is stupid considering I spend a hell of a lot of money going to university.
Anyway, the university offers all the lectures on the Internet, so I’ve been catching up on bits, and have a little understanding of the subject (I didn’t get to choose my modules. I hate networking and would have chosen something else given the choice)
I basically need to design a physical and logical connection for a building. Two stories, and a side building 100m away, surrounded by noise creating facotires. We’re given a POP, MDF and a multi-port router. We don’t have to worry about connecting to the outside world or WANs (it’s just internal). Also, money is not an object.
With what I’ve learnt, I was planning on putting the POP/MDF in the administrative room on the ground floor. This means that I can use fiber optics between the computer rooms on the two floors, to a rack in the corner of each room with computers. This rack with a hub or whatever will then use STP to wallmounted switches to each computr. I’ll times the amount of computers by two to get the amount of wallmounted switches for growth purposes. I’ll then mount a repeater at the end of the first building, using fiber put into the ground to send the data to the building 100m away, which will also have a repeater mounted to the wall at the end (to stop signal failure).
That’s what I’ve come up with so far. Can anyone see any problems? I’ve been reading through the material and it keeps mentioning voice and data or something. Is this to do with the logical connection? This is also where I come stuck as I’m not a clue. Does logical mean all the subnet info and IPing?
I know this a big ask, and a long ass post, but if anyone would be kind enough to help I’d appreciate it.

Answer #1
I question the need of a repeater as fiber is good for runs exceeding 4-times the distance between those buildings. You also want to consider the size of areas being served as there is going to be a maximum length for cable runs between switches and workstations.
Answer #2
if you guys want a copy of the exam papers jsut let me know even the modules


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