Changing power option when the screen is closed

July 25th, 2016

I got a Toshiba L500D-149 Laptop and when I close my screen, and open it after like an hour I can’t get into windows back. I tried pressing all the keys on the keyboard and its not responding.
In the settings of power saving it shows me that it shuts down the screen after 15 min (i guess it applies in both situations when the screen is open or closed), but I already tried pressing the sleep button, but it didnt help.
what am I suppose to do in order for the computer to show me the user choosing screen when i open my screen, and not a black one?

Answer #1
Sorry for double posting, but does anyone know???
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Answer #2
What OS are you using??
Answer #3
Its more likely a hibernate or standby setting thats causing your lock out. The hard drive and screen power down come out with the movement of the mouse or keyboard touch. Standby usually is rthe culprit and you can probably find a few complaints on the toshiba site.
Answer #4
, I got win7.
, what I eventually did was to disable sleep mode.
Another question though… can I configure somehow the computer so that when I close the screen all the programs will continue working? because for example, if utorrent is working and I close the screen, when I open it back, I see that the program wasn’t working.
Answer #5
If you go in control panel,system & security, power options, then on the left there is a option choose what closing the lid does. Go in there and change the settings to do nothing.
Answer #6
If you go in control panel,system & security, power options, then on the left there is a option choose what closing the lid does. Go in there and change the settings to do nothing.
thanks man!


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