Changing MD5 Hashes

February 9th, 2020

I’m in a bit of a predicament. I posted a discography just recently with over 250 links (albums). All 250 links were taken down today. I want to reupload these files to Hotfile, but I don’t want to have to re-archive them all singly to change the hashes. And if I upload them again same as before, they won’t be put into my account, since obviously, each file’s hash has been banned.
So I ask, does anyone have an easier solution to make these files “uploadable” again?
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
Someone on actually created a program for that. Check it out here…
Answer #2
^ Thanks much for the reply . However, I run a Mac, so that app won’t work.
Answer #3
did you use a mac equivalent to winzip or 7zip to put all the music into archives? if thats the case, you should be able to unzip them, and then create a new archive that has a different md5.
Answer #4
You could actually PM (creator of BANBusTER)I’m sure he can help you out!
Answer #5
i too need to know about that..i upload music that are taken down very quickly, so need something to make it easier..
Answer #6
I'm in a bit of a predicament. I posted a discography just recently with over 250 links (albums). All 250 links were taken down today. I want to reupload these files to Hotfile, but I don't want to have to re-archive them all singly to change the hashes. And if I upload them again same as before, they won't be put into my account, since obviously, each file's hash has been banned.
So I ask, does anyone have an easier solution to make these files "uploadable" again?
Thanks in advance!

Check out the thread linked in my Sig, there are scripts that can change the file hashes which I believe can be ran on a Mac OSX, they work fine on Linux and I am sure that someone did confirm that they worked on a Mac. Note the program is for Windows but the scripts at the bottom are for Linux/Mac OSX.
If you create a tiny script in the base folder using the script as a template, you should be able to have the script change the hash on all the files fairly easily. OR name the file individually and create a script which does each file or group of files separately. Take a look because it should give you some ideas on how to do it.
Answer #7
^ Thanks , I will be sure to check them out. Hopefully, I can even get the BanBuster app to run in WINE.


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