What’s the best way of changing my ip?

August 5th, 2016

Hi I know this game which has a link which gives you extra people each time you click it but it only allows 1 ip per day I have been using proxies but they are very slow and usually filled with ads and pop ups does anyone know any other way of changing my ip or know a big list of ips which are not on proxy.org

Answer #1
If Your IP is static there is no other way but proxies…Or change your ISP….
Answer #2
Google up anonymous proxys and use those to hide your IP. But i dont recommend doing anything stupid in proxys, such as post loli pr0n they track you down even if behind proxy. You could get new ISP provider thus new IP address, could go with ISP that provides dynamic ip instead of static
Answer #3
ah I guess best way is by proxies then thanks people


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