February 9th, 2020

here is the problem:
i bought a new pc screen
i have a pc (and a vidfeo card: x1600 with VGA and DVI)
i have an xbox 360
my xbox 360 can only be connected to the VGA on my video card
my screen can be connected to the DVI on my video card
but when i connect my screen to the DVI, nothing happens i have tried a lot but nothing worked
how can i tell my video card to show the DVI input?(dont know if this is needed, i am very confused)
what do i have to do? (maybe a better question than the one above )

Answer #1
The videocard should output DVI automatically when it is connected. It’s possible that the screen is faulty.
Answer #2
If you right click on the desktop you should be able to select the ATI Catalyst control centre.
Select Display Manager and try to set up the secondary display..
Answer #3
do i have to do this while the screen is connected to VGA?
or do i need a second screen on VGA, and the new screen on DVI(because if i configure it now, while the screen is connected to VGA, it would find nothing on DVI)
i just turned off my pc, disconnected all VGA and connected my screen to DVI…nothing happened when i wanted to boot my pc, it just said “no cable connected”
Answer #4
Some screens have to be manually selected for the input line #1 or #2 – have a read of your manual.
Answer #5
i found it i think, my dad wanted to install my screen and he used the wrong cable, it was not DVI that he connected -.-
i told him i can do it myself but no listen eh ^^

Cable: Female USB to Male HDMI

February 9th, 2020

Hi to all.
I have lots of movies on usb stick and I want to transfer to TV with only 1 hdmi input.
I am looking for a Female USB to Male HDMI like this (hoping it will transfer the usb movies to hdmi):
I am not sure if it will work, or if these cables exist, but if they do it is worth a try.

Answer #1
#3.3 Topics must be submitted to the relevant forums. Please read the forum descriptions before posting.
Topic moved from Serious Discussions to Helpdesk.

Answer #2
That idea won’t work as they are completely different in usage..
You would need a USB socket on your TV to be able to play directly and then the TV becomes a media player.
What you need is either a stand alone media player or a hdmi connection to your computer to be able to stream the video via hdmi.
(uses the TV as a monitor).
Here are some examples of media players..

Answer #3
That idea won't work as they are completely different in usage..
You would need a USB socket on your TV to be able to play directly and then the TV becomes a media player.
What you need is either a stand alone media player or a hdmi connection to your computer to be able to stream the video via hdmi.
(uses the TV as a monitor).
Here are some examples of media players..

You can get a HDMI switch quite cheaply so you can switch between TV and monitor without changing settings or constantly plugging/ unplugging the HDMI cable.
Although I would be more inclined to go with a media player as suggested, and probably spend a little more for something with Kodi/XBMC installed or would accept installation.
Answer #4
I have a TV downstairs which has a USB input, so I use that to play moves directly from USB stick. I have a laptop in my bedroom with xbmc/now changed name to kodi, that I have been using to watch movies.
In my children’s room they only have a TV with 1x HDMI input. So I was hoping I could use this cable if it existed and see if I could play movies straight off the USB stick.
Thanks for your replies, wouldn’t it be great if this cable existed, allowing me to play movies without the need for a HDMI player.

Rapidshare Downloaders

February 9th, 2020

Anybody have a GOOD rapidshare downloader? or something that i just copy and paste links and it downloads them? yes i have a prenium acc in rapidshare.
Answer #1
Flashget. Get it. After installing it open it and click on Tool–>Default download Properties. There enable the option “Login to server” and enter your details. After that just start your downloads with Flashget and wait for them to be done. You can get the latest version of Flashget here:
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/69105696/FlashGet_v1.9.6.rar
IDM (Internet Download Manager) also works perfectly. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
I have Flashget but for some reason its not downloading the whole file just downloading 6kb files it wont download the full thing and yes i have checked and reinstalled and checked my rapidshare info
Answer #3
And do you have “Direct Downloads” enabled in your Premium account?
Edit: Also check that your account is still valid ans hasn’t expired and that you haven’t gone past the 25GB/5 days limit. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #4
Hello, ********! Your Premium-Account is valid until Thu, 11. Sep 2008. It isnt expired or anything and i havnt paseed 25g limit, and how i enable direct downloads on my acc?
Answer #5
got it had to get direct downloads thhx bro
Answer #6
You’re welcome mate ^_^

What is the best screen capture software?

February 9th, 2020

Please tell me
Answer #1
desktop recording : “Total Screen Recorder”
games recording : “Fraps”
Answer #2
that sort of depends on what you’re looking for in a screen capture app. personally, i find PrtSc to be more than adequate.
if you want something big and bloated and facny, get SnatIt
if you want something with nice Windows 7 support, get WinSnap or FastStone
if you want something portable that comes packed with lots of nifty tools, get PicPick
if you want something with awesome transparency support, get
Answer #3
if you want something big and bloated and facny, get SnatIt
He means SnagIt
I would recommend fraps
Answer #4
what are goin to do. Make tutorials or what ?
If ur makin tutorials i reccomened Camtasia Studio 7
I love this Camtasia. Great software

Video editing

February 9th, 2020

Iv seen videos on youtube where this guys voice is morphed to change his voice.
How can you do this? i mean once you got a video file on your pc is there anything like in nosy Vegas or movie maker that lets you change your voice

Answer #1
Iv seen videos on youtube where this guys voice is morphed to change his voice.
How can you do this? i mean once you got a video file on your pc is there anything like in nosy Vegas or movie maker that lets you change your voice

Do you mean like changing the pitch of the voice and similar effects?
Answer #2
Use Autotune
Answer #3
is autotune the name of an app?
Answer #4
Answer #5
autotune is a plugin but for what ? you install it and you cant run it so its obvious a plugin but on their website it does not say what the plugin can be used with

What to use to make a VPS server

February 9th, 2020

Anyone have any idea what to use to run a VPS server? You know how hosts that run VPS servers have a software kinda like VM I guess But I doubt its VM Ware there using anyone have any idea?
Answer #1
I don’t exactly now what you mean, but I think this will help you, it’s called XAMPP:
Answer #2
Na Im not talking about a website Im talking about what software does a web host use to make everyone a Virtual server with.
Okay you know like a VPS is basicly a server that hosts like 5 or more sites each user has access to only there server on that server.
I think its like VM Ware that they use but VM Ware runns kinda slow on my PC even thou I have 3 GB of ram.
I wanna know what I should use to run my own VPS server like is I wanted people to be able to login thru RDC and all I wanna know what software there using.
Hard for me to explain but if you have ever used a VPS server you will know what im talking about they have to be using something that splits there users from other users within 1 server.

I need some help.

February 9th, 2020

ok heres my problem, I downloaded red faction from this topic and burnt it to a fujifilm dual layer dvd with img burn and 2.4 speed using the .dvd file and it worked on my xbox. I ran out of disc so i went to the store and bought some Verbatim dual layer dvd. I have tryed to burn the game 3 times already using them and each time it says that the disc is unreadable, i used all the same setting that i used the first time but it just wont work does anybody know whats wrong with it?
Please remember that ALL links must be coded, including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords, and internal links. Coded for you this time.

Answer #1
Probably got a bad batch of blanks.Happened to me already,also are they dvd+r dl,or dvd-r dl
Answer #2
Probably got a bad batch of blanks.Happened to me already.
but the disc all burn fine i dont get any errors or anything until i put it into the xbox and it says disc unreadable.
edit: they are dvd dl +r
Answer #3
I got the same problem, Verbatims were 8x though i think was the source of my problem. When i went to verify it corrupt sector luckily i have more fujifilms around.
Answer #4
I got the same problem, Verbatims were 8x though i think was the source of my problem. When i went to verify it corrupt sector luckily i have more fujifilms around.
well how would i tell if my dvd drive can burn at 8x?
Answer #5
Verbatim isn’t always a guaranteed good burn.Just because you don’t get a error when the burn is complete doesn’t mean your disk is good.
Answer #6
Verbatim isn't always a guaranteed good burn.Just because you don't get a error when the burn is complete doesn't mean your disk is good.
well ~love~…..i dont have any money left to buy more disc…god damnit.
Answer #7
Nero InfoTool can tell all the information you need about your drive.I ‘m sure not all of the dvd’s are bad.I never had a whole spindle go bad on me.You should try to return it if you can.get a new batch.
Answer #8
do you have a proper dual layer burner my friend had a problem where like 1/5 of the disks he would burn would work and they usually buggered up
we ended up buying a new $40 burner and now all disks burn correctly
Answer #9
True that …I feel its all in the burner. I ad the same stuff with me and i change it …now alls good…good luck
Answer #10
do you have a proper dual layer burner my friend had a problem where like 1/5 of the disks he would burn would work and they usually buggered up
we ended up buying a new $40 burner and now all disks burn correctly

well i think i do, i have burnt 37 xbox360 games and they all worked fine it just these ones right here that dont seem to work. All tht other ones i burnt where fujifilm these ones are Verbatim but i was told those one work better so i got them.
Answer #11
I was told the same thing when i flashed my 360,and I admit my first set of dvd’s worked great,but the next 20 i brought i got 3 good burns only.Next i brought memorex which people tolded me basically sucked,and i brought 80 to date and had not one bad burn.
Answer #12
I was told the same thing when i flashed my 360,and I admit my first set of dvd's worked great,but the next 20 i brought i got 3 good burns only.Next i brought memorex which people tolded me basically sucked,and i brought 80 to date and had not one bad burn.
i have used 4 of the disc do you think i can still return them to the store or am i out of luck?
Answer #13
i have tried Memorex and TDK discs
only Verbatims worked
make sure your layerbreak is at 1913760 if you don’t have the DVD file of the game
Answer #14
Yeah.Go to the store and tell them there not working.The only way to know there not working would be if you tried them so that’s why you used 4 of them
Answer #15
moving to helpdesk
Answer #16
ok i have another question a decided to post it here, would the writespeed of the dvd matter usally i use ones that have a 2.4x but the last ones i tried were 8x would that matter?
Answer #17
I think you have a better chance of a good burn if you burn it at a low speed like 2.4x,but if your max write is 8x maybe it cant burn at 2.4x.I have dl dvd’s that only burn 6x and 8x speed.
Answer #18
I think you have a better chance of a good burn if you burn it at a low speed like 2.4x,but if your max write is 8x maybe it cant burn at 2.4x.I have dl dvd's that only burn 6x and 8x speed.
i do usally burn them at 2.4 but the last ones i bought said they had to be burnt at 8x and it didnt work at all would them having to be burnt at 8x have anything to do with it.

Need Music Renaming Program

February 9th, 2020

the other day i was thinking a lot of my music is named funky. i know with all my movies and my tv shows. i use tvrenamer to rename them. so i thought to myself there has to be a way to rename music files. the only problem i can find anything worth using. my structure is.
Music Folder -Artist
i want it to stay in that order but to be able to rename the file inside so it say (track #) (Song Title) thats it. and it use the folder structure to figure out what cd it actually is.
if anyone knows any software that works like this it would be amazing. Thanks

Answer #1
Try using MP3Tag. It is a wonderful easy to use program.
Answer #2
Answer #3

Nikhill wrote: Select all

definitely this!
Answer #4
im trying tag&rename but im wondering if there is an automatic way of doing it.
also is there a way to change the folder structure if needed. like some say
instead of what the actual album is.
Answer #5
I use FlashRenamer for files and folders
will do MP3 tags as well

new to SDD

February 9th, 2020

so i just installed a new SDD and the game together. know my problem is my game runs laggy or some sort or delay. What did i do wrong? my graphics card is gtx 560 ti 448 cores. game used to run smooth on my regular HDD
Answer #1
Do you have all the relevant drivers up to date as well?
Answer #2
It may need a firmware upgrade, also some require optimization before you will get full performance from them, also check your motherboard that the SSD is installed on the right SATA port for best performance.
Also check in BIOS that it is set to AHCI mode.
Answer #3
If its a 2rd hand ssd this could be your problem they never last that long.
a FW update could be needed as well
Answer #4
I’m using the Samsung 840 series Idk if its 2nd hand
Answer #5
Visit the Samsung website and download the Samsung Magician Software(if using Windows 8 you will need to run it in Windows 7 compatibility mode) also google enabling TRIM via command prompt(you can copy and paste the command then).
Answer #6
…… Go to Nivida site and download their Free driver Program…
Answer #7
Nivida drivers already installed and last night I checked firmware and its up to date
Answer #8
update sorry for double post.
i did fresh install following that guide. much less lag then befor eon the game with fresh install of everything. could heat be one of the reasons i lag?? what program good for measuring heat on CPU?
Answer #9
1st : only use about 75 – 80 % of the raw capacity, that way the SSD will survive longer.
2nd : can the SSD handle SATA III , if so , is it correctly connected to a SATA III Port on your mainboard , or is the port / SSD running SATA I or SATA II ?
2.5 : how many other devices are on the same BUS as the HDD ?
3rd : If you run a HDD benchmark tool , what speed does it come up with ?
Answer #10
Answer #11
1st : only use about 75 - 80 % of the raw capacity, that way the SSD will survive longer.
2nd : can the SSD handle SATA III , if so , is it correctly connected to a SATA III Port on your mainboard , or is the port / SSD running SATA I or SATA II ?
2.5 : how many other devices are on the same BUS as the HDD ?
3rd : If you run a HDD benchmark tool , what speed does it come up with ?

yes my motherboard can handle it and its connected on the right port
i got like 2 more other hard drive connected
i ra the samsung becnhmark and my SSD is getting around 530 on read and 130 on write
Answer #12
not sure what it could then be …. is the os running on the ssd as well or is the ssd “standalone” ?
I’m taking it you are using win 7 , if so, just double check the SSD is set to NTFS as the format , not that for some reason the disk is on FAT32.
Lastly, what is the health i.e. S.M.A.R.T status of the disk, maybe it’s got some defect blocks ?
Answer #13
not sure what it could then be .... is the os running on the ssd as well or is the ssd "standalone" ?
I'm taking it you are using win 7 , if so, just double check the SSD is set to NTFS as the format , not that for some reason the disk is on FAT32.
Lastly, what is the health i.e. S.M.A.R.T status of the disk, maybe it's got some defect blocks ?

im using windows 8 pro.
here is the pic
my SSD is on NTFS
the OS and the game are located on the SSD
update #2 gona try windows 7 to see if that helps if not im turning in the SSD

Am I IP Banned

February 9th, 2020

I have tried the support website, but the security code never appears, so I can leave no message.
My cookies got wiped, I tried to recall my password, and failed three times.
I tried again later, and failed another 3 times.
The site seemed to go offline for about an hour, and since it is back online, I cannot load the site through my browser.
But I can through VPN.
I have since found my password, but cannot load the site at all, and wonder if I have been IP banned.
Please help

Answer #1
Unless I’m mistaken, it’s just because you failed your PW too many times in a short period of time. It’s a failsafe against spambots or something. I had this happen to me once. So if it’s that, you’ll be able to access WBB again in a couple of days…
Answer #2
I hope so, thank you.
Answer #3
No problem, I hope it’s just that, but if it isn’t your best bet would be to PM a mod, maybe an Emod in this instance…
Answer #4
I did contact an Emod, they said got to the support page, which of course does not show correctly in any browser.
Its been over 3 days now.
Answer #5
I did contact an Emod, they said got to the support page, which of course does not show correctly in any browser.
Its been over 3 days now.

Be patient they are working on it =)
Answer #6
are upgrading
Answer #7
I have tried the support website, but the security code never appears, so I can leave no message.
My cookies got wiped, I tried to recall my password, and failed three times.
I tried again later, and failed another 3 times.
The site seemed to go offline for about an hour, and since it is back online, I cannot load the site through my browser.
But I can through VPN.
I have since found my password, but cannot load the site at all, and wonder if I have been IP banned.
Please help

If you failed the capcha it’s due to not using caps, I figured this out when i couldn’t log into my account the capcha is case sensitive, another reason maybe due to maintenance ive had pages not load and connection problems but im just patient about it.
Answer #8
Many thanks to all people who replied.
was correct, it just takes time, and I guess I am too impatient.

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