Need Music Renaming Program

February 9th, 2020

the other day i was thinking a lot of my music is named funky. i know with all my movies and my tv shows. i use tvrenamer to rename them. so i thought to myself there has to be a way to rename music files. the only problem i can find anything worth using. my structure is.
Music Folder -Artist
i want it to stay in that order but to be able to rename the file inside so it say (track #) (Song Title) thats it. and it use the folder structure to figure out what cd it actually is.
if anyone knows any software that works like this it would be amazing. Thanks

Answer #1
Try using MP3Tag. It is a wonderful easy to use program.
Answer #2
Answer #3

Nikhill wrote: Select all

definitely this!
Answer #4
im trying tag&rename but im wondering if there is an automatic way of doing it.
also is there a way to change the folder structure if needed. like some say
instead of what the actual album is.
Answer #5
I use FlashRenamer for files and folders
will do MP3 tags as well