Cant accsess some sites

September 21st, 2013

for the last week i have not been able to accsess some sites ebay being one of them its not spyware and i have flushed the dns and the sites am trying are not down cos i tried them on other laptop and they are up.running windows 7 never had this trouble before.cheers for any help.
i have tried it in ie chrome and firefox with no joy

Answer #1
anyone have idea’s thanks
Answer #2
Try custom DNS like OpenDNS or Google DNS.
Answer #3
should not have to really plus will just slow down download speeds but thanks anyway
Answer #4
SmAsHeDr replied: Try custom DNS like OpenDNS or Google DNS.
dooz replied: should not have to really plus will just slow down download speeds but thanks anyway

Will speed up internet speeds ^^
Answer #5
are you from Pakistan? been a week since many porn and warez sites got banned. need to use a proxy for them now.
Answer #6
no uk. its not the porn or warez sites there ok, lol just a few sites one of wich is ebay cant accsess and even itsdownforme
Answer #7
When you say you can access the sites via a laptop, is that using the same internet connection ?
If not, then it’s more than likely your ISP’s DNS server. You could try changing to another UK ISP’s DNS to see if it makes any difference, although Google’s is probably just as good.
Here’s my ISP’s current DNS servers, pretty decent at the moment (Bethere)
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Tertiary DNS:
Additional DNS:
There’s plenty here to try…
*edit – also have a look at your HOSTS file, and see if anything unusual has been added, perhaps you have some malware ?
\Windows\System 32\Drivers\Etc (open with Notepad)
Answer #8
cheers for reply, ave looked at host files no malware there need to keep own ip for paypal
Answer #9
dooz replied: cheers for reply, ave looked at host files no malware there need to keep own ip for paypal
Have you run a scan with Malwarebytes ?.
ps, changing DNS does not affect your IP addy.
Answer #10
cheers bud tried that think it might be isp for some reason, looked on a few sites and a lot of people not been able to accsess ave just tried on other lap and cant accsess on that now
Answer #11
I’ve been on and off E-bay all day (live in London) with no issues, using the DNS servers I posted above.
*edit contact customer support at your ISP, that’s what they are there for
Answer #12
thanks mate will give it a try, just baffling never had the problem before, just happened in the last week for no reason
Answer #13
gilly replied: I've been on and off E-bay all day (live in London) with no issues, using the DNS servers I posted above.
*edit contact customer support at your ISP, that's what they are there for

cheers bud for help sorted now used DNS servers for virgin
Answer #14
dooz replied: gilly replied: I've been on and off E-bay all day (live in London) with no issues, using the DNS servers I posted above.
*edit contact customer support at your ISP, that's what they are there for

cheers bud for help sorted now used DNS servers for virgin

You didn’t state what ISP you are using, but see if they have alternative DNS servers. You will probably be able to change back in a few days when they have their act sorted out.
Answer #15
the Meerkat replied: dooz replied: gilly replied: I've been on and off E-bay all day (live in London) with no issues, using the DNS servers I posted above.
*edit contact customer support at your ISP, that's what they are there for

cheers bud for help sorted now used DNS servers for virgin

You didn't state what ISP you are using, but see if they have alternative DNS servers. You will probably be able to change back in a few days when they have their act sorted out.

am with virgin and thanks for your help


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