Can you please identify this structure?
January 26th, 2014
If its unclear, the one on the right is a pyramid…
http://i55.~ Disallowed image host. Please Report. ~/24uvqfo.jpg
Looks like a tepee to me.
no it isn’t…
The question is kind of ambiguous. Want us to identify WHICH structure in said picture? U told s da 1 wuz a pyramid. Can you mention what color is the structure you are trying to identify?
Green one is a mosque or a jewish temple or a sikh temple
White one a church
Purple is bahai temple or phimai khmer temple or Jagannath Temple Bokaro
Tan face is something from a Hindu religion, budism, taoism, etc.
There is a camper and a car parked at the foot of the hill and the “pyramid” you point out is much far too hidden to determine anything IMO.
Why? This has piqued my interest.
At first, I thought is was some sort of macrame or canvas depicting the seven ancient wonders.
Now, I really don’t have a clue as to what it could be.
I don’t think it’s real place, it’s just a painting, imaginary.
Its a small replica of the original..keeps me guessing
From that pic I deduct it is an artists impression of religious unity painted on a big piece of fabric which appears to be hanging (i.e. it’s a poster)
here it goes from right to left:1pyramid2headmonument angkor wat(or budhist) ,hindu dome ,catholic church, mosque
there’s a Citroen 2CV in it
It’s probably some award winning painting, which my 4 year old niece could have done better