Can you get caught using pirated stock photos

August 8th, 2016

Hey guys, I downloaded a bunch of stock photos on this site a few months ago and was wondering if it was possible to get caught using a stock photo from a site like istockphotos. Is there any way people can look at an image and say, “hey, I wonder if they paid to get that image.” I’m sure there is always for you to get caught but I guess my question is what is the possibility of getting caught up you use a stock photo for commercial use/ for your own company.
Answer #1
Well ‘caught’ is too strong for that kind of act. But you maybe get a warning letter from a lawyer to sign that you will not do it again. (and of course you have to pay the costs for that process). It’s quite easy for a copyright owner to see, if a photo is ‘his’ photo, cause most photos have watermarks. In the past watermarks could be damaged by recalculation of the photo with a paint programm, but newer techniques ‘survive’ such manipulations. If this happen to you in private, you’ re done by just paying the fee. If you do it for commercial reasons then the fee might be higher.
Answer #2
The ones I downloaded has no watermark (from what I can tell) with that being the case, what are the possibilities?
Answer #3
It’s possible to have an embedded watermark that isn’t visible, however like says, they could just send you a warning or ask you to remove the content.
Chances are, you’ll be fine
Answer #4
It’s always a gamble.
Being caught is a matter of how high profile the artwork or website is, how much money you’re making from it, how big the stock library is you nicked it from, whether thay can be bothered chasing small fry or not, and so on.
I’d say, at most, you might get a letter saying:
“We note that you are using one of our stock images, we have no reference for your purchase of this image. Please either send a copy of the order and/or receipt OR stop using said image”
With the image details attached.
Answer #5
Ok thank you guys! Very Informative =)
I never had any problems (fears) pirating movies, tv shows or apps, but stock photos was something I always feared.
Answer #6
The key is the publication – u would run into legal issues with the other things as well if you make your actions public.


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