Stock Exchange

August 28th, 2013

Hey guys,
i am looking for a software which will manage my portfolio as well as will download and show live stock prices and also give me a chart (line graph) type display of the stock and its price.
i saw that software but i dont remember the name.
do you know which one it is?
it had options like you can select which stock to watch, then gives graph of they rate change, then can also keep a track of portfolio and profit and loss. and also alert you when a stock price drops or increases a set amount.
any idea?

Answer #1
Metastock maybe?
Answer #2
thanks dude, downloading it.. will try it.
and by the way, which is the best software in this category?
Answer #3
Not sure,Not really my field of expertise,I just remembered the app name,But I did some googling and alternatives include:
omnitrader,optimal trader,amibroker,chartnexus (freeware),jstock (freeware),Give those a go too
Answer #4
damn, no latest version available for download.. do you have link dude for metastock, versions on site are couple of years old


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