can not install source file corrupted (ntfs 2tb ex hdd)

December 10th, 2023

ok i have a 2 tb ext hdd that i save all my game iso’s blackbox skidrow ect… ok so far 3 of the iso’s have gave me this msg saying source file corrupted i don’t use anti virus well because i’m careful what and where i download plus i have a portable ver of m-bam so my pc is not infected and its not the down load because i have used all 3 iso’s b4 and they worked so my question is what can cause an iso file to work one day and not the next all the video’s on the hdd still work as well as soft ware the only thing that seems to not work correctly are a few iso’s
Answer #1
Could it be the sector on the hdd that the iso is stored on that is corrupt?
I once had an hdd that did this, but for some reason Linux would read/copy the file without issue, so once i copied the file to another hdd it worked fine again.
Not sure if this is same as your issue, just a suggestion.
Ps i used Puppy Linux live cd to do this.
Answer #2
I suggest you get your HDD checked with this app:
i don't use anti virus well because i'm careful
You can never be careful enough!
Do you at least use a firewall? Comodo is the best btw.
i have a portable ver of m-bam so my pc is not infected
Correction: Your PC is not infected as far as you know of!
No AV/Anti-Malware provides 100% protection.
Answer #3
Answer #4
disk health 3% estimated life time 3 days how reliable is that program because i don’t want to buy another hd if there is nothing wrong with this one
Answer #5
It’s very reliable! (But it may or may not last longer than 3 days, That part is an estimate)
It doesn’t make the data up, It simply reads it from the HDD itself (Each HDD has an internal, Self monitoring system) so the health status it’s showing is very true. Better get a new one as soon as you can. And just so you know, Professional data recovery is extremely expensive, And you can’t always get warning signs before an HDD failure occurs – Better maintain backup from now on! You got lucky this time, But you might not go so lucky next time!


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