Can i flash xbox 360 using SATA to USB cable?

November 25th, 2013

I have never flashed my xbox 360 before. Its only been flashed once (by a friend). So i have a few questions:
Can i use my computer’s inbuilt SATA port (the one that is connected computer’s DVD drive)
Can I use a SATA to USB cable?
Can someone show me a reliable tutorial on connecting my xbox?
I am going to use JungleFlasher, and there is a tutorialthat comes with is but it doesn’t deal with opening and connecting the xbox.
I am running a Lite-On (Yellow wires) drive. Also, I don’t play online so I don’t mind getting banned.
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
Reading the JungleFlasher manual is by far the best thing you can do if you want to flash the Xbox yourself.
Answer #2
prozac4312 replied: Reading the JungleFlasher manual is by far the best thing you can do if you want to flash the Xbox yourself.
Will do… but i want to know if I can do it with a SATA to USB cable. If not I’ll just give it to my friend…
Answer #3
the clips that hold the xbox case are fiddly to get off all at the same time. a special tool is available for cheap. check your ebay etc.


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