Bioshock stutters…

July 31st, 2016

I have Ge force GTX 260 896mb and I have a big problem with Bioshock. All games are working perfect, but not Bioshock. Frame rate is excellent (60fps all the time), but game stutters( making game uplayable) almost all the time. When I am walking etc. I was reading about it on the net, but I wasn’t able to find any solution… Please help me solve this problem, I want to play Bioshock.
Answer #1
What’s your other system specs?
Answer #2
I have Dual+core 5200 2.5GHZ, GF GTX 260,4GB Ram,WinXP SP3
All games are working wonderful, even crysis. This problem occures only in Bioshock.
Answer #3
if you stand in one place and look around, do the graphics stutter? or is it just when you’re moving?
i had a similar problem when i installed bioshock the first time. i finally tried a different keyboard, and it worked perfectly. then here’s the really strange bit – when i went back to my first keyboard, the problem was gone!
Answer #4
I think it is because of your graphic card, maybe
Answer #5
When I am standing in place game runs excellent, but when I am moving it is stuttering, it look like it loading some data or sth (like it was in old pc’s). Frame rate is 60fps, but game stutters…
Answer #6
Have you got all the drivers ?
It also could be something with a INI file, as alot of UE3 engine based games do that.
Answer #7
I have the newest drivers (185.1 I think). INI ? So should I change sth in ini file ?
I was reading over the net that people with GTX 260 have this problem, but I wasn’t able to find any solution…
Answer #8
Do you have the 1.1 update patch installed? That was supposed to correct that problem
Answer #9
Yeah I have.
Answer #10
up !
Some help ? Anyone ?
Answer #11
try what ” said and use a different keyboard and see if makes a difference…it did for him apparently.
Answer #12
Game not stutters because of keyboard, its because of hardware problem or sth.
Answer #13
Logically if frame rate is 60 pretty much constantly, it’s not the video card doing the stutter.
(my gtx 260 does bioshock perfectly! I run a q6600, 4G, xp sp2)
It sound like something is trying to use the hard drive at the same time as bioshock – fast find indexing, maybe. What about antivirus checking the files, or something else running in the background (win update or task scheduler, for eg). I have all them turned OFF (except for nod av) – no fast find, no index service, no task scheduler, no win updates, etc. Maybe that’s why my bioshock is fine?
Either way, if FPS is up high and constant, then it’s something otehr than the vid card..
Answer #14
i have a gtx 260 as well it shutters to if you have a core i7 like i do than it might be the compatibility. Oh and one more thing if you have a c0re i7 you muist use 64 bit os others will work but not properly thats how i fixed my issue upgraded to 64 bbit.
Answer #15
have you tried my keyboard suggestion?
Answer #16
Yeah, no resoults.


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