Big uploader

October 12th, 2013

how i become big and good uploader plz replay me and where i can get latest relase ok thanks
Answer #1
Eat lots of steak and mashed potatoes and drink a 40 at every meal, yes, even breakfast. Upload good stuff. Replay you? Like an announcer? Google has the latest releases. alright, fine. you’re welcome.
Answer #2
big and good uploader? OK get a high speed broadband with good upload speed,open account in fileserve,filesonic,rapidshare,megaupload and start uploading ur files.
Answer #3
Your question is not specific enough, but I will give you some advice:
– Try to focus on quality rather than quantity. Don’t just upload for the sake of it, but give people something different or something that they really want. There is no point having pages of the same files on the same upload host.
– Try to use hosts that don’t annoy people too much. If you can, create mirrors.
– What ever the files, make sure you release the latest versions when they are available. Make sure all patches etc. applied so save people time.
– Choose an image host that is reliable (imageshack, urimage, lulzimg etc) otherwise your pictures will disappear and leave your post looking bare.
– Try to make your threads as easy to understand as possible (you’d be surprised by the number of people who don’t read even simply instructions). You don’t want people contacting you all the time about stupid problems that just waste your time.
– If you archive your files then try to use the latest version of Winrar. I have found people have many problems trying to extract using ‘jack of all trades’ programs. In Winrar you can create default compression profiles that save you time.
– Try to maintain your uploads. Don’t just post and forget about them. Study the replies and upload fast if they get taken down.
– Try to make a list (e.g text file) of all your uploads, so that if they get taken down you can repost very fast. Have a system in your list that identifies each file e.g the first letter of each word that describes the file. That way you can just CTRL+F and find your file quickly.
– Try to backup your files somewhere apart from your computer (there are many free services such as adrive which can keep files indefinitely).
– Not all upload hosts allow free users (even registered ones) to upload using your max upload bandwidth. This can be infuriating and make you think there is something wrong with your connection. For e.g MU only occassionally allows me to upload at more than around 250-300 KB/s. Fileserve on the other hand allows 300-400 KB/s most of the time. That can really make a difference if you are uploading plenty of files everyday.
– If you want to find the latest releases then just use google alerts. Even google images can be used. The import thing to focus on is the web address and not necessarily the words (a lot of people game google now to put key words in the description but when you click it is fake).
That’s all I can think of for now. Good luck.


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