Best way to file share between 2 computers?

August 23rd, 2013

Hey all. I just set up a Home Theater PC. using XBMC and its really cool how it organizes everything for ya and stuff. anywho, lemme get to my question.
My media Center has about 2 TB disk space. now since its connected to my tv i Dont really download movies directly to this device, i usually download them onto my laptop first.
Now , when I transfer these files to my to other pc, i just have them on the same network *currently both a wired directly into the router, as the router and network i am running is only Wireless G, not N*
This works, but its a pain in the butt having to wire everything up to transfer a few gigs. I tried doing it wirelessly, but with G it was painfully slow.
If i upgrade to a wireless N network *and update the wireless card in my theater pc, as it is also a G card not N* how much speed increase do you think i will see?
also, is there a faster way? I was wondering if instead running a “patch cable” directly from my laptop to pc would work / be fast?
thanks for any advice, ive googled the topic but not coming up with solid result, and would like to know if anyone else had any recommendations from being in the same situations. Thanks!
Johnny Murder

Answer #1
Answer #2
‘G’ and ‘N’ have significant differences, you would immeasurably better of having a ‘N’ network.
Here is proof:
Answer #3
Wireless N @ 300Mbps (not 150 Mbps) is quite fast I use it at home, however, if you have gigabit ethernet cards, router, and cat 6 cables, it’s much faster (and cheaper to set up).


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