Anyone have trouble with IDM and RS

July 29th, 2013

I’ll go to DL a file with IDM and RS, and it’ll bring up the mini IDM DL box, and the size of the file won’t be there forever and when it shows up and I go to DL it, it DLs amazingly slow.
When I try and press download before the file size shows up, I get this error box:

Cannot download this file
An error occured while creating security connection to

An no, that isn’t a spelling error.
Okay, so I went through and completely disabled my firewall and then retried DLing and it worked fine. I then however went and re-enabled the firewall and it still works, I even upped the levels of security on it and it still works. So I have no idea.

Answer #1
Next time this happens make sure you have the latest version of IDM installed.


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