Android Apps – Uninstallation Question

July 28th, 2013

A quick new to Android Q. . .
When uninstalling an app does Android do a clean uninstall or does a certain amount of garbage get left behind? If so, are there any good clean-up apps?

Answer #1
it backs up some of the app data to the Google servers, and there’s an app “app2sd” which helps you clear all the application cache in one go, otherwise you have to do that for each app separately.
Answer #2
Do redundant folders get deleted also?
Answer #3
Yes some data is always left behind you can clear your cache for a Complete Uninstall !
Answer #4
I find it depends on the app – the apps seem to tell Android what to remove as much as Android itself does the removals.
Note that there’s no installation monitoring – if the app and Android don’t talk to each other properly some crap does get left behind.
Some apps/games go completely, others leave behind data/cahe bits, others leave a lot more behind..
Answer #5
you can also use Norton Utilities to get rid of that !


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