Add Program To Right Click Menu [XP]

January 28th, 2020

I have used MP3Gain for years & would like to have it on my right click menu.
I added it to the ‘Send To’ menu but would much rather have it show in the top section like in this pic
I found an apparent reg fix but it doesnt work properly, it only shows when I right click an mp3. I would like it to also work when right clicking a folder so as to open the whole album in MP3Gain.

Answer #1
Why didn’t you google search buddy?
check this out
Answer #2
I searched prior to posting & actually saw the site you posted, however…
That doesn’t resolve my problem, as I said I have it working for a single file but when I wish to select a folder (album containing mp3s) it doesnt.
It will open the app but not load the mp3s.
It works perfect using the ‘Send To’ menu but for ease of use Id like it as described above (if poss)
Answer #3

It will open the app but not load the mp3s.
It works perfect using the 'Send To' menu but for ease of use Id like it as described above (if poss)

I dont think it is possible, u’ve to tweak the MP3gain to load all the Mp3 wen u right click a folder. Did u check the settings in Mp3gain app? See if there’s any shell integration or something !!
Answer #4
I’ve sorted it, they forgot to mention add “%1” at the end of the applications file path.
Appreciate the response Very Happy


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