The Sims 3 speed glitch?

August 8th, 2016

Anyone else have this glitch where the fast speed and ultra speed are the same speed?
Answer #1
Nope. How you mange to do that
Answer #2
I do. In fact a barely notice a difference between normal speed and ultra fast.
Answer #3
I have the same problem. Hope the retail version is better.
Answer #4
Try lowering the graphic settings. That seems to work.
Answer #5
I have the speed up time issue also…
I’ve downloaded the Reloaded version, and then I’ve applied a patch that supposedly upgrades the Reloaded to 1.0.631.00002, but that doesn’t fix the speed issue.
I’ve read that someone said it’s a PC problem and not a version or patch problem.
So, I like to know what PC have the people with the speed glitch.
I’m on XP, GeForce6150 integrated, 1.5Gb of RAM, Athlon X2 3600+
EDIT: Well it seems like the speed glitch is a video card issue. So, nothing more for those who will not update video card that wait for official release and hope for a official patch that fixes this glitch…


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